Why required verification fee paid challan for Saudi Culture? University verification fee challan for Saudi Cultural Office Pakistan
When you submit your documents for verification of degree from Saudi Culture Attache mission in Pakistan, Saudi Culture ask for verification fee paid challan. Either you are fresh employee or already employee in both cases paid verification fee challan is required.
University verification fee challan for Saudi Cultural Office Pakistan. Sample University verification fee challan for Saudi Cultural Attache mission Pakistan
How Saudi Culture process this paid verification fee challan?
After submission this challan in Culture office. They send request to concern university along this paid challan and degree copy and ask for verification. Every university have verification fee. On the behalf of this paid challan university reply to Culture via email or post.

Sample challan is attached for your reference.
Question: There is no verification fee of my university?
Answer: Culture office already have details regarding fees of universities
Question: I have paid less challan amount, should i paid remaining amount?
Answer: Paid remaining amount and submit to culture office