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Sample required documents for Saudi Cultural Attache Pakistan

Sample required documents for Saudi Cultural Attache Pakistan Contact / Offer letter and Request Letter samples

Sample documents Saudi cultural attestation procedure which are required for Saudi Culture Attache Mission in Pakistan.

  1. Contract letter attested by Saudi Chamber and Saudi MOFA. In contract letter passport no should be mentioned. If you are a new employee than you need offer letter and if you are a old employee than you need a contract letter. Saudi Culture Attache office in Pakistan accept both letters.
  2. Request letter should be attested by Saudi Chamber office Saudi Arabia (Saudi Cultural attestation stamp depends on these stamps without these Culture attaché neve accept the documents. )

Latest Computerized Chamber and MOFA Stamp on contract letter Computerized Chamber request letter for Saudi Culture.

Contact Letter / Offer letter attested by Saudi Chamber and Saudi MOFA

Sample required documents for Saudi Cultural Attache Pakistan
Sample required documents for Saudi Cultural Attache Pakistan

Requst letter attested by Saudi Chamber and Saudi MOFA

Sample required documents for Saudi Cultural Attache Pakistan
Sample required documents for Saudi Cultural Attache Pakistan


Question: My passport no is not mentioned in contract letter?

Answer: Culture office will not accept. Passport no is compulsory.

Question: My contact letter is attested from Saudi Chamber but not attested from Saudi MOFA.

Answer: Culture office will not accept. Both attestations are compulsory.

Question: I have contact letter but not request letter?

Answer: If you have missing any documents culture will not accept documents.

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